Fulfilling orders

Before you can fulfill an order, read the guide to setting up the app.

When the API is connected in production mode, orders will be automatically sent to DPD for fulfilment when payment has been taken successfully.

When the API is connected in test mode, orders will be automatically sent to DPD but will not be physically dispatched or fulfilled in Shopify.

The table of Recent orders will show orders that have been sent to DPD for dispatch. The most recent orders are displayed first. Orders are available to view up to a week of being created.

The table contains:

  • the order number
  • the date sent to DPD
  • if it was successful or if an error was returned from the API
  • if it was fulfilled in Shopify

To search for an order in the table, enter the order number in the search field above the form.

Clicking the order number will open a modal window with all request and response data sent to DPD including order creation, updates and cancellations.

If an error was returned by the API, a detailed error message is displayed in the response.

Typical errors can include incorrect shipping addresses, product SKU's that don't exist on DPD's warehouse management system (WMS), or invalid characters.

At present DPD's API does not support the UTF-8 character set so some orders may be rejected if they contain Greek or Arabic characters. Until DPD can support UTF-8 characters, accented characters are replaced with standard characters to mitigate the number of rejected orders.

If an order was not received successfully by DPD, you will be notified by email to the email address specified on the settings page.

To update an order, update the order in the Shopify order admin and the updated order request will be sent to DPD.

To cancel an order, cancel the order in the Shopify order admin and the order cancellation request will be sent to DPD.

If an order update or cancellation is received but has already been picked for dispatch, the API will return an error and an email notification will be sent.